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 The Ugly Side of Youth Incarceration

There is no consensus on matters to do with youth incarceration. No matter how you look at it there is nothing to justify that locking up kids is a good idea. This doesn't benefit the kids or even the public. It is up to the adults to guide and protect kids and if the same adults are throwing them behind bars where those who have committed the worst crimes possible are there is nothing good that can come out of that. It should be more of rehabilitating and correcting them as opposed to punishing them in the worst way possible. There are various ways they can be made to learn a lesson if they make mistakes without putting them through the trauma of incarceration.

On the same note, youth incarceration means there is a high possibility of them being coerced to join gangs. Some of them are barely teenagers and when they go to prison they will not have anyone looking out for them which makes them prone to the manipulation of the criminals. It only takes a few promises and some attention from the gang members and they will turn. There is a way this can be avoided and it is through ensuring better methods of discipline for kid offenders are found instead of incarceration. Visit https://sarahwestall.com

A lot of children who are sent to prison will lose hope even before they go through the doors. While young they should be given hope than things will turn out well for them. They have the option of choosing the path they want and chasing their dreams full of hope. The worst of humanity are found in prison and when they are allowed to mix with kids things will not go well for the latter. Also, when they are locked they won't be able to do much and by the time they are out their peers will have proceeded to do different things. It is painful to watch peers move ahead while you are stuck in the same place. Thus, there is nothing good that can come from kid incarceration. Read on this article

Some parents will just watch as their children are thrown in jail without doing anything because they don't want the responsibility. They believe that going to prison will be a lesson-learned but it is hardly the case. It is the duty of the parents to guide kids into knowing what is right and what is wrong. It will be giving the parents the easy way out if their kids are thrown in jail. Before getting kids, people have to understand the responsibility that comes with because it is not every day that things will be easy. Learn more on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcsf3hevCV4